On April 21, 2012, soccer Fernando de Noronha sealed his membership in the Council of New South American Federations, through ANOVE (Noronhense Veterans Association).
ANOVE, is the oldest governing body of football in the Archipelago, who also organizes various competitions that are held there.

The event was led by Partner authorities  ANOVE and Thiago F.Monteiro, Deputy COSANFF in Brazil and who faced the enrollment process from the start, holding an excellent job.
At the meeting, besides discussing various projects for the future of the Selection Noronhense, they were delivered to senior ANOVE membership certificate along with other presents the COSANFF.

Membership of Fernando de Noronha does not only mean a breakthrough in Brazil, a country with much potential for COSANFF, but a true act of responsibility, dedication and effort from our ANOVE and Thiago F.Monteiro.

About ANOVE and Fernando de Noronha
In COSANFF we aim to obtain real affiliations, preventing authorities or bodies are objectionable representatives of selected affiliates.
For this reason, ANOVE was chosen. There have been several questions about the name ¨ Veterans¨, but the selection will be absolute Noronhense and open to all ages. The COSANFF recognized ANOVE as the representative of football to our Board, as being sporty and real, regardless of their official designations.

Thiago F.Monteiro and ANOVE managers, posing with the
certificate membership and the flag of COSANFF

Fernando de Noronha
Fernando de Noronha is a Brazilian volcanic archipelago belongs to the state of Pernambuco. Located in the Atlantic Ocean, 545 km from Recife (capital of Pernambuco), 710 km from Fortaleza (capital of Ceará) and 360 km from Natal (capital of Rio Grande do Norte).

The archipelago is 26 km ² in total and consists of 21 islands of which only inhabited most of them (which is 17 km ²), and which bears the same name as the archipelago. The rest have been declared National Marine Park by the government of the country, and therefore banned human presence in them, except for scientific research purposes. Its location is 3 ° 50 ‘S, 32 ° 24’ W. In 2001, the archipelago was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

26 km ²
Highest point:
Morro do Pico (323 m)
3012 habitants.
Major City:
Vila dos Remedios